
To support ethics education and facilitate the integration of bioethics into traditional and non-traditional educational and professional settings, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (Bioethics Commission) has developed pedagogical materials to facilitate easy access to the material in its reports by professors, instructors, practitioners, and the public.

User Guides are organized by field and serve as quick reference documents to help professionals and educators identify relevant Bioethics Commission educational materials. Current guides address:

Primers target specific audiences to support practical application of some of the Bioethics Commission’s recommendations. Audiences include professionals (e.g., clinicians, researchers, and direct-to-consumer providers) and members of the public (e.g., potential recipients of incidental findings).
Teaching Tools provide a selection of resources for educators in various disciplines to support the integration of ethics and discipline-specific content. Tools are categorized as:

Topic-Based Modules                   Classroom Discussion Guides
Case Studies                                  Empirical Research Resources
Deliberative Scenarios

Videos include short videos that can be used to augment classroom activities and webinars that provide information about bioethics education and Bioethics Commission educational materials, including how they can be used to integrate ethics with education in various disciplines.

Materials are free and available through the links to the left.  Instructors are invited to use these materials, or any portion of them, to integrate bioethics into coursework, discussions, and professional development activities in all disciplines. Feedback is welcome, including insight into how the materials have been used and suggestions for how they might be improved for use in the future. 

Additional materials are under development and will be included upon completion.


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Featured Video

Embedded thumbnail for Promoting and Providing Materials for Bioethics Education

Representatives of the Bioethics Commission share their views on the importance of bioethics education. 

Ethically Sound Episodes

The Bioethics Commission has launched a new podcast series entitled Ethically Sound.  

Each podcast is playable direct online from the link(s) below or from SoundCloud, iTunes or the Ethically Sound Playlist on Youtube.  Follow the hashtag #EthicallySound for launch announcements.

Safeguarding Children

Ethics and Ebola

Anticipate and Communicate

Privacy & Progress

Gray Matters

New Directions

Moral Science

Ethically Impossible

Bioethics for Every Generation

Charting a Path Forward

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