December 2008
Controversies in the Determination of Death: A White Paper by the President's Council on Bioethics
The Changing Moral Focus of Newborn Screening: An Ethical Analysis by the President's Council on Bioethics
March 2008
Human Dignity and Bioethics: Essays Commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics
September 2005
Taking Care: Ethical Caregiving in Our Aging Society
May 2005
White Paper: Alternative Sources of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
March 2004
Reproduction and Responsibility: The Regulation of New Biotechnologies
January 2004
Monitoring Stem Cell Research
December 2003
Being Human: Readings from the President's Council on Bioethics
October 2003
Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness
July 2002 Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry